Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Becky Rockwood Photography

This was my first shoot with a male model. Teilmann was a super nice guy...but young! Made me feel like an old lady. :) These were used for a site called where the photos are available for purchase. There are lots of opportunities in Utah for stock photography-and the $$$ is pretty sweet too. I have a another shoot tomorrow night (I'm going to play a young mother at a park/playground) so should be interesting...
I don't have the photos from this shoot back yet but will post them when I do-its a tad hard to see with the iStock logo on them.

Click here! to check the rest out on Becky's profile on


  1. summer, this is awesome. you should give emily the details so she can make some $$$ on the side. she would be great. i would love to do it but i think i'm still a little to heavy for the camera. :D

  2. You crazy beautiful woman! If only I could look as good as you after having twins...I'll call you later and let you know details about my agency.

    Sorry, I lied! The shoot I did the next day was for a research company, not for stock...
